Getting Started

0. prepare your ink! contract

Please follow the instructions of prerequisites/ink! contract to generate an ink! contract.

1. use @patract/inkpad-browser in your package

  dependencies: {
    "@patract/inkpad-browser": "^0.1.4"

2. run ink! contract with inkpad

import { Runtime } from "@inkpad/browser";

// this flipper.contract is the output after `0.`
// under /target/ink/flipper.contract
import CONTRACT from "flipper.contract";

(async () => {
    const rt = new Runtime(contract.toString());
    // arguments of call or deploy should be 
    // parity-scale-codec encoded
    rt.deploy("default", []);"default", []);

The usage of @patract/inkpad-browser is as same as the rust exports, more functions please check